Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1.27-28 - 1st video editing session

Warm Up (10 min)
Begin downloading your movies from your server to your desktop

Part 1 (5 min)
Importing movies into iMovie

Part 2 (5 min)
Turning on advanced settings

Part 3 (60 min)
  1. Edit together all of your shots from your abstract video shoot on Monday (or Tuesday)
  2. Create a title for your movie. Call it "YOUR NAME ANGLES SHOTS MOVEMENTS"
  3. Create a title for each shot
  4. Export to Quicktime > Broadband - Medium
  5. You may or may not choose to save the imovie project file to your server (definitely DO if you did not finish today!).
  6. Drop the .MOV file in my drop box (and save a copy for yourself) for credit.
Please reset your computer and tuck in your chair when done.

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