Warm up (15min)
- mp3 or WAV formats
- stereo or mono
What is one thing that didn’t go well and what would have made it go better?
What did you succeed at today?
What do you need to do over the break?
Warm-up (15min)
QOTD: Use google or another search engine to find another system of HJ steps. How many steps are there? What are the steps? What steps did they “leave out”?
Part 1 - 7 common archetypes (15 min)
Use interweb search engine to find the SEVEN common archetypes of the heroic journey. Identify the basic traits and, for extra credits, identify characters in a movie or story you have seen. Post on your blog at the 15 minute mark.
Part 2 - Construction Activity - (30min)
Use an example character and that character them through the steps. Identify archetypes along the way.
Example - High School Basketball Player
Below are the agenda's for the UD and LD classes respectively. There is some overlap however there are differences as well...
For UD
Warm-up: 15 min
Story of the day
Part 1 - Adding a ring around the 17 stages: 30 min
Here is the 17 stages document you will use:
Matrix (watch video)
Personal Pick
12 stages
Joseph Campbell - Hero’s Journey: 35min
Video + Quesitons
For LD
Warm-up: 15min
Part 1 - Revisions to artist statement + reflection: 35min
Add new questions + changes
Hand back corrected to people done on time.
Revised draft to be posted on your blog by end of day. Come after school if not done!
Part 1 - Adding a ring around the 17 stages: 30 min
Star Wars
Personal Pick
12 stages
1. Killer titles. You've got to kick-start your articles by using punchy titles that can get your audience to pay attention to your copies. This is important as this is the first step to connect with your readers. I suggest that you keep your titles short and that you carefully choose the words that you're going to use. It's better if you choose those that target your readers' emotions or those that can pique their curiosity.
2. Lead paragraph. Once your readers opened your articles, they'll decide if they're read them until the end based on how your first paragraph was written. As you surely want these people to read your article in their entirety, it's highly recommended to make sure that your lead paragraph is impacting and that it will leave a lasting impression. You really don't need to tell your readers everything they need to know in this section. I suggest that you keep them interested by using questions that you're going to answer on your article body or if you challenge common beliefs and use intriguing statements.
3. Article body. Your articles must contain every piece of data or information your readers are looking for. It must be well-written, very organized, and readable. Also, it must help you communicate your expertise in your field and it must speak volumes about your great writing skills. (http://ezinearticles.com/?Article-Writing-Basics---Revealed---3-Basic-Elements-of-Article-Writing&id=3148014)
Part 1 - 20min
Peer Review of your desk partner’s prezi (no need get up, just turn to the person next to you and have them present the prezi in presentation mode (slide by slide)) Use the above downloadable Pages document as a format to review each section of the prezi.
Part 2 - 10min
converting your .mov to .flv
After you have exported your montage to quicktime we are going to need to convert that .mov file to a .flv file. Here is a step by step and a video.
Here is the video:
(more videos available in the links section on the right of the blog)
part 2 - 55 min
Use this time to make the changes, specified by your peer reviewer, to your prezi.
Warm-up 15min:
Review of Project and Rubric - 10 min
Revised project 1 sheet
Rubric (total CE + for LD, MM for UD)
Integrating English - 10 min
Presentation Skills - 15min
Crafting a presentation for exhibition - flow and connections
warm-up - 15min
"Visual rhythm develops when there is sufficient repetition of lines, shapes, or colors to produce movement."
How could we read the rhythm of our montage images to create a more effectively communicating montage? Click on the following link to read about view images displaying rhythm:
Vocabulary post
Session 1 - 20min
Using the editing functions of iMovie
Using iMovie to Edit
Using the yellow + playhead
Trim to section
Editing through the time window
copying and pasting
Cropping to fit the image
Ken Burns to give “movement”
Test - 10min
classmarker%20users.numbersSession 2 - 35min
Metric Montage
Define (again)
show example (Eisenstein)
Editing On beat - Using the beat marker
finding the beats
Session 3 - 30min
Exporting to Quicktime
Export and post a medium bandwidth version of your montage to your blog; blog title: "METRIC MONTAGE"
Export and upload a high bandwidth version of your montage to your prezi.