Warm Up, 15 min.
- QOTD (Question of the day - post on your blog): retrace your steps to complete your rough draft of your prezi. What have been your greatest challenges in using this new software? What has come easy to you?
- POTD (Photo of the day)
- Here is the Prezi Peer review Checklist (click and select "save as" to download):
Part 1 - 20min
Peer Review of your desk partner’s prezi (no need get up, just turn to the person next to you and have them present the prezi in presentation mode (slide by slide)) Use the above downloadable Pages document as a format to review each section of the prezi.
- Go over each category on the downloadable form (see blog for download)
- Give specific a rating (1-5) feedback on each category (warm or cool or both)
- Make sure you give your partner feedback they can use to IMPROVE their presentation.
- Turn in a copy (with your names on it) to my drop-box for credit.
Part 2 - 10min
converting your .mov to .flv
After you have exported your montage to quicktime we are going to need to convert that .mov file to a .flv file. Here is a step by step and a video.
- export your montage from iMovie (using the share menu > export to quicktime > broadband - medium > choose the desktop as the save location)
- Right-click on the movie file (did you export it to the desktop?)
- Choose the program "Adobe Flash CS3 Encoder" (you may have to choose "other" and browse through your applications to find this (you may even have to change "Recommended Applications" to "All Applications".
- Drag your movie file into the Adobe Flash CS3 Encoder (or click "ADD")
- Click "Settings", choose Flash 8 Medium Quality (400-kbps)
- Click "Start Que" to begin converting
- Your movie should pop up on your desktop when it is done converting (about 5 minutes)
Here is the video:
(more videos available in the links section on the right of the blog)
part 2 - 55 min
Use this time to make the changes, specified by your peer reviewer, to your prezi.
- Headphones are OK.
- Slapping so your partner can hear it is not
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