Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The (first) 100

This is OAK-LAAAAAND (the 100)

Wake up, get up, it's the last (day) of the week. We have a ton to get through today so let's do our best to stay on track and not go over our time. Here's our agenda:
  1. Warm-up - 20 min - complete sentences
  2. Go to, and take the vocabulary test - 20 min (quiet while testing please!)
  3. Transition activity - 5 min
  4. Read the following articles and consider the questions below - 40 min- participate in discussion on reading a text and censorship
Text 1 & 2 & 3 - news clips (shown in class)
Consider these questions:

- What is your interpretation (or reading of this text)? Why? Be very specific? Use examples to back up your reasoning.

- Is this image racist? Why? Why not?

- What is socialism? Why is it placed here? What is this image implying about socialism?

- If you were to find out the artist was black - or mixed race - would it still be racist?

- What if he was Latino? Asian? White? Arab?

Article - LA Times Flickr Censorship

- Why did Flickr take down the "Obama Joker" image? Do you agree with their reasoning? Why? Why not?

- What is copyright? How does it apply to this case?

5. Cool Down with reflective blog post - 10 min - discussion, test, your opinion of the class so far.

1 comment:

  1. Morgan's email is

    Send your blogspots URL to this for all those who haven't
