Warm Up - 15min
LD ONLY: How do your top 5 most influential technologies fit with your most influential institution you selected in English class? How are we going to make these align?
- Split clip
- Trim to selection
- Join clip
- Theme
- Import
- Export
- Snap to ____
- Playhead
- Transitions
- Titles
- .mov
- ,m4v
- .avi
- .mpg
- juxtaposition
- montage
Adding a montage to your Prezi - 5min
Adding media
Intergrating your music/soundtrack (drag and drop your mp3)
using images and video to create a montage in your prezi
Collect images for your montage based on your top 5 technologies
TttT - 20min
Read the following 2 articles on montage and respond to the questions on your blog:
- How is this idea of montage different from the Soviet version?
- Name a movie that you have seen that uses this type of montage.
- Describe the 5 types of montage in your own words.
Collect Images relating to your top 5 tech - 25min
You will be able to collect high quality images that demonstrate a point of view when juxtaposed.
image quality (more pixels better quality)
search terms (more terms, less crap)
On desktop create folder - Tech Montage Media
Save all imges and video to this folder.
Search for images of the technologies themselves, people using them, people misusing them, the effects of these technologies and whatever else you can think of.
Find AT LEAST 20 images in these 20min. (DON’T BE TOO CHOOSY)
iMovie Intro - 15 min
You will be able to navigate and use imovie to create a simple audio montage.
- using iMovie 09 - the 4 windows: project library, Event library, monitor, media browser
- intro video + website
- drag and drop media from the media library or the desktop to your project
- Saving to your server (MOVIES > iMOVIE PROJECTS and iMOVIE EVENTS)
- Drag these files to your Tech Montage Media folder
- Drag the folder to Student Server when finished
Assignment -
- Create a montage with the images you found online.
- Rhythm of editing should match with the rhythm of your music (tempo + on-beat).
- Take a screenshot of your iMovie once you have added your 20 + images and your soundtrack. (It's OK if this isn't your final draft of your montage, in fact I'm sure it's not!)
- Name the screenshot "MONTAGE_YOUR NAME"
- Drop in your teacher's drop box