Thursday, October 29, 2009

10.29 Post Exhibition - Review & Reflect

Warm up - 20 min
1. P.O.T.D.

2. Qs.O.T.D.:
How did your exhibition presentation go? Use the performance rubrics (on desktop) to evaluate yourself.
What went well? (preperation, path, notes)
Why did you do well in this way?
What was an area of growth?
How can you address the growth areas?

Part 1 - Hot/Cool Media - 45 min (reteach)
  1. READ -
  2. What is hot? what is cool? What isn’t hot what isn’t cool (e.g. hot in the streets does not = hot medium.
  3. Continuum of Media Activity (group)

Part 2 - 35 min (reteach/relearn)
Create a prezi using text and line to replicate the board continum (35min)
Include “Key” - describing what hot and cool mean.

Monday, October 26, 2009

In-Class Presentations Part 2 10.26-27

Part 2 of a 2 part series.

100min class

Warm-Up 20min
Reflect on the process of making this presentation. From Learning to use prezi, to talking to the text to learn about Marshall McLuhan and hot & cool media, to practicing in-front of the class. 

This will be part of your reflection and a possible artifact for your BGP. Teh better you write it now the easier certifying and revising your work will be!

Transition Ouline and note cards- 10 min 
Outline and/or note cards

In-Class Presentations - 60min
Present to the class and get feedback on your prezi.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


We're in the final week of or preparation for the first exhibition of the year. Every minute you spend working on your presentation in class is a minute not worrying about the outcome or working after school. So, with that in mind, let's get busy!

Here is your agenda:

Warm-Up (identify best practices in presentation) - 30min
  1. P.O.T.D.
  2. Q.O.T.D./TttT
Follow the link below and answer the following questions:
  1. How does your presentation address the following?
    • Select appropriate points of emphasis in your presentation
    • Develop a useful level of detail
    • Choose and prepare appropriate visual aids
    • Create a tone that is sensitive to your audience's circumstance
  2. What does this quote mean? "Tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em; tell 'em; and tell 'em what you told 'em."
  3. According to the text, what role do visual aids (like your images) play in a presentation?
  4. According to the text, why is it important to do a "test run" of your presentation?
Post answers and your TttT to your blog.

Transition and prep for in-class presentations - 10 min
Collect you thoughts, finish your outline and get ready to present!

In-Class presentations, Part 1 (demonstrate best practices in presenting; become more familiar with the presentation "flow") - 60 min
All students will be required to present to the class. The more practice you get, the better the real presentation will be!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday - Draft #2


QOTD: Follow the link and define the 4 components to an effective outline.
4 Components for effective outlines:
  1. Parallelism
  2. Coordination
  3. Subordination
  4. Division

Part 1:
Create an outline for your presentation script. This should closely resemble your path (in the order of things you talk about). We are going to practice presenting in the next few weeks. So these outlines will be very useful for creating more confidence from the speaker.

Do not write in your script exactly what you wrote in your prezi. If your prezi is light on words you should add MORE detail to your script. If your prezi is word heavy, think about where you could summarize.

Monday, October 19, 2009

10.19 Peer Review

Warm Up, 15 min.
  1. QOTD (Question of the day - post on your blog): retrace your steps to complete your rough draft of your prezi. What have been your greatest challenges in using this new software? What has come easy to you?
  2. POTD (Photo of the day)
  4. Here is the Prezi Peer review Checklist (click and select "save as" to download):

Part 1 - 20min

Peer Review of your desk partner’s prezi (no need get up, just turn to the person next to you and have them present the prezi in presentation mode (slide by slide)) Use the above downloadable Pages document as a format to review each section of the prezi.

  • Go over each category on the downloadable form (see blog for download)
  • Give specific a rating (1-5) feedback on each category (warm or cool or both)
  • Make sure you give your partner feedback they can use to IMPROVE their presentation.
  • Turn in a copy (with your names on it) to my drop-box for credit.

Part 2 - 10min

converting your .mov to .flv

After you have exported your montage to quicktime we are going to need to convert that .mov file to a .flv file. Here is a step by step and a video.

  1. export your montage from iMovie (using the share menu > export to quicktime > broadband - medium > choose the desktop as the save location)
  2. Right-click on the movie file (did you export it to the desktop?)
  3. Choose the program "Adobe Flash CS3 Encoder" (you may have to choose "other" and browse through your applications to find this (you may even have to change "Recommended Applications" to "All Applications".
  4. Drag your movie file into the Adobe Flash CS3 Encoder (or click "ADD")
  5. Click "Settings", choose Flash 8 Medium Quality (400-kbps)
  6. Click "Start Que" to begin converting
  7. Your movie should pop up on your desktop when it is done converting (about 5 minutes)

Here is the video:

(more videos available in the links section on the right of the blog)

part 2 - 55 min

Use this time to make the changes, specified by your peer reviewer, to your prezi.

  • Headphones are OK.
  • Slapping so your partner can hear it is not

Thursday, October 15, 2009

10.15-16 Rough Draft

Warm Up - 15min:
  1. Q.O.T.D.: Go to the "showcase" tab on and find an example of a Prezi that is well designed and one that is S.C. Paste the links and reason for your preference or disapproval on your blog. Don't focus on the content, look more to the design and layout of the prezi.
  2. P.OT.D.
Part 1: Backing up your prezi- 10min:
  1. From the My tab
  2. Select your prezi by clicking on its thumbnail
  3. select "download"
  4. create a folder in your student server and name it "prezi back-ups"
  5. Drag and drop your saved prezi files to your new folder in student server folder.

Part 2 - working for the week - 75min:
  1. By the end of the day, you should have a ROUGH DRAFT of your prezi. All of the elements (see "prezi links" on the advanced DMA blog) should be included in the rough draft.
  2. Your dear instructor will give you some helpful, specific and friendly feedback on your project. Please adjust your prezi accordingly.
  3. Drop a copy if your ROUGH DRAFT in my drop box for credit.

Monday, October 12, 2009

10.12 The beginning of the end

These next couple of weeks are going to be focused on completing and polishing our prezi presentations for the exhibition.

Warm-up 15min:

  1. QOTD: Write a sentence for each of your most influential technologies that connects it to your institution of influence.
  3. P.O.T.D.

Review of Project and Rubric - 10 min

Revised project 1 sheet

Rubric (total CE + for LD, MM for UD)

Integrating English - 10 min

  • Connecting/Integrating your English work
  • Create a sassy title for the exhibition
  • Adding your essay

Presentation Skills - 15min

Crafting a presentation for exhibition - flow and connections

  • Overcoming Fear (everyone is scared at first)
  • Comfort of Audience (environmental comfort)
  • Eye Contact (stay honest)
  • Body Language (don't distract)
  • Gestures (use your hands without offending)
  • Effective Content (know your audience)
  • End with the Beginning (call back)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10.8-9 (E&E) Editing and Exporting

10.8-9 - 100min

warm-up - 15min


"Visual rhythm develops when there is sufficient repetition of lines, shapes, or colors to produce movement."

How could we read the rhythm of our montage images to create a more effectively communicating montage? Click on the following link to read about view images displaying rhythm:


Vocabulary post

Session 1 - 20min

Using the editing functions of iMovie

Using iMovie to Edit

Using the yellow + playhead


Trim to section

Editing through the time window

copying and pasting

Cropping to fit the image

Ken Burns to give “movement”

Test - 10min


Session 2 - 35min

Metric Montage

Define (again)

show example (Eisenstein)

Editing On beat - Using the beat marker

finding the beats

Session 3 - 30min

Exporting to Quicktime


Export and post a medium bandwidth version of your montage to your blog; blog title: "METRIC MONTAGE"

Export and upload a high bandwidth version of your montage to your prezi.


10.7 - making the montage

Warm-up - 15min
  1. Vocabulary
  2. POTD
Montage Assembly - 25min (students will compose their 60-90 second technology montage in the Soviet tradition)
Exporting audio from Garageband
Importing to iMovie
Editing on beat to create a metric montage
Juxtaposing images to create upper-level montages
Examples in Eisenstein

5 Methods of Montage Eisenstein

More links to montage theory:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

10.5-6 iMovie Review and Montage

Warm Up - 15min


LD ONLY: How do your top 5 most influential technologies fit with your most influential institution you selected in English class? How are we going to make these align?



  1. Split clip
  2. Trim to selection
  3. Join clip
  4. Theme
  5. Import
  6. Export
  7. Snap to ____
  8. Playhead
  9. Transitions
  10. Titles
  11. MADX
  12. .mov
  13. ,m4v
  14. .avi
  15. .mpg
  16. juxtaposition
  17. montage

Adding a montage to your Prezi - 5min

Adding media

Intergrating your music/soundtrack (drag and drop your mp3)

using images and video to create a montage in your prezi

Collect images for your montage based on your top 5 technologies

TttT - 20min

Read the following 2 articles on montage and respond to the questions on your blog:

  1. How is this idea of montage different from the Soviet version?
  2. Name a movie that you have seen that uses this type of montage.

  1. Describe the 5 types of montage in your own words.

Collect Images relating to your top 5 tech - 25min

You will be able to collect high quality images that demonstrate a point of view when juxtaposed.

image quality (more pixels better quality)

search terms (more terms, less crap)

On desktop create folder - Tech Montage Media

Save all imges and video to this folder.


Search for images of the technologies themselves, people using them, people misusing them, the effects of these technologies and whatever else you can think of.

Find AT LEAST 20 images in these 20min. (DON’T BE TOO CHOOSY)

iMovie Intro - 15 min

You will be able to navigate and use imovie to create a simple audio montage.

  • using iMovie 09 - the 4 windows: project library, Event library, monitor, media browser
  • intro video + website
  • drag and drop media from the media library or the desktop to your project
  • Saving to your server (MOVIES > iMOVIE PROJECTS and iMOVIE EVENTS)
  • Drag these files to your Tech Montage Media folder
  • Drag the folder to Student Server when finished
Assignment -
  1. Create a montage with the images you found online.
  2. Rhythm of editing should match with the rhythm of your music (tempo + on-beat).
  3. Take a screenshot of your iMovie once you have added your 20 + images and your soundtrack. (It's OK if this isn't your final draft of your montage, in fact I'm sure it's not!)
  4. Name the screenshot "MONTAGE_YOUR NAME"
  5. Drop in your teacher's drop box