Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Meet the Prezi

I like shapes (thanks martinisaac)

We are almost done with two whole weeks of class. i can't really believe it either...

Agenda for 9.3-4

Blog - vocabulary definitions and examples
Photo of the day
Finish TED post

Vocab test:
and take vocabulary test 2
good luck!

Lesson 1: walkthrough & explanation of tools (frame, line, place, media, file, redo, undo, text - don't touch path today!)

a lil break it up activity

Lesson 2 & assignment:
Create an image in prezi using only frame and line.
Take a screenshot of the image
name the screenshot "prezi image_yourname"
drop the image in my drop box (be sure to put it in the correct block!).

Cool Down:
Respond to the following questions on your blog. Title it: "prezi day 1"
  1. How was your overall experience with prezi? Were you able to create the image/shape you wanted to?
  2. What was easy? What was hard?
  3. What are the benefits of this software? What are the drawbacks?

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