Wednesday, September 30, 2009

9.30/10.1 - Soundtracking

Warm-up - 15min

Q: How comfortable are you with the state of your prezi? how would you feel presenting it today? Next week?


Vocabulary List

Test - 10min

Vocab test 6



Lesson - 40min

  • Open "Drums" in Garageband
  • Duplicate each track
  • Add variety by changing your patterns (drum roll, bass drum pattern change, half or double-time hi hats, )
  • extending your beat, by placing these breakdowns and fills
  • quantize the same as duplicated track to preserve feel of beat
  • EXPORT new beat as MP3 and put in my drop box as "extended drum_YOUR NAME"
Work Time - 20min
  • Integrate drum track with Technology Soundscape
  • Get Prezi Up to date and polished
  • Download images relating to technology (for next week's project)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 6 - 9.28-29

-syncopated, indeed!-

Mon/Tue 100 min

Warm Up 15min

Name a few of the producers (people who make the music for the singers/rappers (e.g. Quincy Jones made the music for Michael Jackson's "Thriller", Dr. Dre made the beats for Snoop Dogg's "Who Am I?") you appreciate. If you don't know which producer you like, think about a song you enjoy for the music, then use your search tool to find the producer of the song.


Vocab List

  1. split
  2. loop
  3. cycle
  4. sample
  5. track
  6. balance
  7. musical typing
  8. metronome
  9. count-in
  10. ducking
  11. automation
  12. tempo
  13. MP3
  14. WAV
  15. AAC
  16. KBPS
  17. mute
  18. solo
  19. lock
  20. quantize

Lesson - 60min

Garageband - Creating a Midi Drum Track
Do it together (students will be able to create a drum track that is compiled from multiple parts; each part being soloable and mutable, to enable diversification on the rhythm)

  1. metronome - on
  2. count-in - on
  3. new software instrument track
  4. select instrument type - Hip-hop drum kit
  5. open musical typing, find sound
  6. record & play
  7. edit and quantize (quantized per need - 1/4 = Snare, 1/8 = hi hat, 1/16 swing = bass drum)
  8. rename track (snare, bass drum, hi hat, etc)
  9. Change Project tempo if necessary.
  10. REPEAT x 3 (each track a separate sound, separation = control; 4 tracks or more, one sound per track)

Work Time 55min

At the end of the period please export to disk a copy of your beat, and a screenshot of your prezi to a folder renamed “YOUR NAME” and drop in the appropriate drop box.

name the beat - “drums_YOURNAME"

name the shot - “prezi update wk6_YOURNAME”

Thursday, September 24, 2009

9.24-25 sample this!

Warm-up (15min)
  1. What does "technology" look like? What does it sound like? What does it ____ like?
  2. Vocabulary
  3. POTD

Lesson 1 - Finishing PS review (20min)

Outcome: produce a self portrait and top 5 technologies title that demonstrates their proficiency in selected aspects of photoshop.

  1. Finish your self portrait, post to your blog
  2. Finish your top 5 title, add to your prezi

Test (10min)

Vocabulary test 5



Lesson 2 / Work Time (55min)

Garage Band - Create a technology themed audio piece

Outcome: student will demonstrate proficiency in garageband. Create a musical piece that addresses a theme. Transfer of ideas to material (sound) manifestation.

  1. About sampling (Intro)
  2. Brainstorm some ideas of what technology sounds like
  3. Detail how to find specific sound effects,, in garageband browser
  4. Examples of sample based music that uses sample and instrumental to create soundscapes (negativeland, art of noise).
  5. sample yourself saying something that relates to your top 5 technologies
  6. download and import a sound effect that somehow relates to technology
  7. add a drum track (loops are ok)
  8. add a bass track (loops are ok - key should match synth/lead)
  9. add a synth (or other lead) track (loops are ok - key should match bass)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, Kanye vs Joe

new air yeezys, now in stores

Warm up - 15min

What was a more offensive event: Kanye & Tylor Swift or Obama and Joe Wilson?

Kanye’s incident is getting more attention, why is that?



Lesson 25

Using text in PS or AI (do in AI)



DPI (300 standard)


dimensions for web (800x600)

Type tool (t)


type vertical

type on path



document set-up



rasterizing (raster vs. vectors)



optimizing (gif vs jpeg etc)


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 5 - Time to Shop

What is this?

Warm-Up 15min
  • If you had extra time to work on this technology prezi, what would you do to make it better?
  • POTD
  • Vocab List (definitions and example sentences)
  1. filter
  2. history
  3. jpg
  4. gif
  5. character
  6. dpi
  7. crop
  8. clone
  9. burn
  10. dodge
  11. magic wand
  12. layer
  13. canvas
  14. lasso
  15. marquee
  16. citation
  17. MLA

Part 1 - 25min

Review of what should have complete in prezi so far

  • top 5
  • benefits and costs
  • hot and cool
  • images
  • meaningful form
  • factors and effects

Part 2 - 25min

Ways to create a meaningful form (see showcase)

  • using frames
  • using text
  • using scale
  • designing a background

Part 3 - 25min

PS tuner - making your photos look like some non-crap


Cool Down 10 min

  • what has been the best part of DMA so far?
  • the worst?
  • what do you want to do more of?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

To Use or Not to Use (9.17-18.09 [100min])

It's up to you (or your boss)

Warm-Up (15min)

- What is one technology that you think should be banned or legalized. Explain your reasoning for this citing the costs and/or benefits it put on society.

- Vocabulary List

- PotD

Lesson 1 TttT (30 min)

More on Technology’s influence on society - Choosing a technology for you and your society

Article 1:

  1. What are the 4 factors and effects of technology on society?
  2. What does the author mean by “values that inform, and are informed by, technological innovations”?
  3. What are the 4 ethical implications? Can you think of an example of a technology that has been repressed or controlled based on the ethical standards of a society?
  4. Technology can simplify or complicate life. Give an example of each.
  5. Myspace, facebook, and twitter have had some effect on groups. How do you think these social networks have changed how people interact with each other?

Vocabulary Test 4 (5-10min)

Assignment (45min)

Evaluate your technologies based of the four factors you read about today (values, ethics, lifestyle, and institutions/groups)


1. Take this analysis for each technology and place it into your Prezi.

2. Update your path

3. Take a screenshot (NAME IT “FACTORS_NAME”)

4. Put it in my drop box.


technology - cellular smart phone

values - I can be more efficient in my work and school if I can communicate with people from anywhere. (efficiency)

ethics - My mom doesn’t like my cellphone because I text at the dinner table and stay up late talking to my friends instead of studying. (family traditions)

lifestyle - My phone complicates my life because I have so many more chances to make myself look bad in my communications. Because of this I have to be on-point all the time. (complicates)

groups - My phone enables me to participate in the dialogue of history as I can instantly access news and post to my blog (make news) from anywhere. (participation in groups)

Wednesday, Liar Liar day

Warm Up
  1. Have you ever been so mad/disturbed/moved about something that you had to break a taboo, or be impolite to get your point across? Please describe the situation.
  2. Vocabulary List
  3. P.o.t.D.

Talk to the news texts on Joe Wilson yelling out, "you lie" during an Obama speech to congress regarding health care and the reaction from Jimmy Carter.

Here are the guiding questions, answer them on your blog:
  1. What was the bias for each clip?
  2. Did they present both sides of the story?
  3. Do you think that the outburst was "racist," as Jimmy Carter argued?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 4 - Technology and Ethics


Warm-up (15min)
What would your life be like without some of your top 5 technologies. Try to imagine how not having these things would change your life.
For example, would not having a cell phone make your communication with your friends and family different? Would the quantity of times spoken to them a day change? What about the quality of those communications?


-Vocabulary List
  1. chronologic
  2. cost benefit analysis
  3. ethics
  4. embryonic stem cell
  5. technocracy
  6. scarcity
  7. sustainability
  8. subtext
  9. monetary
  10. emergent

Part 1 15-20min + discussion 5-10 (30min total)
Why do some people/societies choose to use some technologies and not others (e.g. stem cell research)?

For example:
TttT (post on blog):

  • What is ethics?

  • What do they mean by “the ends justify the means”?
  • What are the “means” and “ends” identified in this text?
  • Do you think the author of this text is in favor or against using Embryonic Stem Cells for research? Why?
  • What can the about page on a website tell you?

Distribute Project Description + discuss (10min)

Part 2 (45min
Zeitgeist II (part 3 - technology worship 54min - 1:35.27)

  • What is the message of the content of the text?
  • What is the bias?
  • Based on what we can determine is the bias of the text, what can we determine about the information presented in the test?
  • The video makes an argument for a resource based economy. What can we predict will be the “message” of this change? Put costs and benefits on these changes.
  • Why do you think the text attacks established religion?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 3 Wrap Up

9.10.9 - 100 min


Last warm up you listed your top five most important technologies. Now think about each one of these technologies and how has changed your life for the better (if you haven't already) and what it has taken away from you. Again this is about two sentences per item.

Talking to the Text

Just like in English but different, (easier?)

Opening two windows at once

one for reading/one for making notes (pages or whatever)

Use underline, summarize, question, connect, infer (no circle, instead, copy and paste or use right clicking to look up in dictionary)



"Summary" + first 2 paragraphs of “McLuhan’s Concept of Media”

Talk to the text using 2 windows (1 browser, 1 word processing)

Discussion on text


What do you notice about McLuhan’s definition of medium/media and our definition of technology?

what does a hot medium require? a cool one? can you name an example of each?

What does McLuhan mean by an “extension of ourselves?”

What does McLuhan mean when he says that the content of the medium is NOT the message of the medium?

What did Socrates mean when he told this story?


Soc. At the Egyptian city of Naucratis, there was a famous old god, whose name was Theuth; the bird which is called the Ibis is sacred to him, and he was the inventor of many arts, such as arithmetic and calculation and geometry and astronomy and draughts and dice, but his great discovery was the use of letters. Now in those days the god Thamus was the king of the whole country of Egypt; and he dwelt in that great city of Upper Egypt which the Hellenes call Egyptian Thebes, and the god himself is called by them Ammon. To him came Theuth and showed his inventions, desiring that the other Egyptians might be allowed to have the benefit of them; he enumerated them, and Thamus enquired about their several uses, and praised some of them and censured others, as he approved or disapproved of them. It would take a long time to repeat all that Thamus said to Theuth in praise or blame of the various arts. But when they came to letters, This, said Theuth, will make the Egyptians wiser and give them better memories; it is a specific both for the memory and for the wit. Thamus replied: O most ingenious Theuth, the parent or inventor of an art is not always the best judge of the utility or inutility of his own inventions to the users of them. And in this instance, you who are the father of letters, from a paternal love of your own children have been led to attribute to them a quality which they cannot have; for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality. (Plato, Phaedrus)


vocabulary test 3

Do your best and watch out for tricks!


You have named your top 5 most important technologies as well as identified their gifts and curses. Using Prezi, arrange this information in to a meaningful form for presentation. We have to work fast, so don’t spend all class working on any one step or technology.

Here are some steps to starting and finishing:

  1. Create a new Prezi
  2. Add the necessary text to your prezi (copy and paste from your blog)
  3. Add frames and arrange your text into a meaningful form
  4. download and add any images you want to include
  5. create a path to navigate through your prezi
  6. take a screenshot (shift+command+4) name it “5 tech_your name” and drop in my dropbox for credit (remember to show your path!)

Cool Down

If you finish before the end of the class please respond to the following question:

  1. So far, what do you like about Prezi?
    1. Compare it to Keynote/PowerPoint, what do you like or dislike?
  2. What are you still struggling with?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 3, Let's Get Busy

what is this promoting?

Here is your WARM-UP Question:
  • List the 5 most important technologies in your life. Give a brief reasoning of the importance of each. Remember the definition of technology as according to the worlds most referenced encyclopedia reads:
    Technology is a broad concept that deals with human as well as other animal species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to its environment. Technology is a term with origins in the Greek "technologia", "τεχνολογία" — "techne", "τέχνη" ("craft") and "logia", "λογία" ("saying").[1] However, a strict definition is elusive; "technology" can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include "construction technology", "medical technology", or "state-of-the-art technology".
Post-Warm Up:
Read and summarize (on you blog with the title "Coverage of Obama's Speech") at least 2 news articles concerning our Dear Leader's speech on 9.7.9 to the students of America. Be sure to provide a link to each article on your blog (copy and paste) so I can know what you are summarizing!

Here are 2 links to get you started:

Prezi - Advanced
introduce LEARN TAB - and Watch second prezi video
Review old tools and introduce “paths”

Prezi Assignment

Create your second prezi using an image from the internet (download and provide a link to the image (NOTE: your image link WILL NOT have the word “google” in it)).
Use paths, line and frame to create a little trip around the image.
TIPS: Use the hot keys, Use SCALE (size) to give the viewer an easy to read overview and details.
When completed, take a screenshot, name your image “second prezi_yourname), and place it in my drop box.

Cool Down:
Respond to the following questions on your blog. Title it: "prezi part 2"
How was your overall experience with prezi? Were you able to create the path/flow you wanted to?
What was easy? What was hard? Challenges? Pride?

Vocabulary list:
  1. propaganda
  2. path
  3. line
  4. zoom
  5. frame
  6. scale
  7. hot key/quick key
  8. shortcut
  9. transform
  10. hot medium
  11. cool medium

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Advanced DMA Syllabus

Click on the link below for the 09-10 advanced DMA syllabus:


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Meet the Prezi

I like shapes (thanks martinisaac)

We are almost done with two whole weeks of class. i can't really believe it either...

Agenda for 9.3-4

Blog - vocabulary definitions and examples
Photo of the day
Finish TED post

Vocab test:
and take vocabulary test 2
good luck!

Lesson 1: walkthrough & explanation of tools (frame, line, place, media, file, redo, undo, text - don't touch path today!)

a lil break it up activity

Lesson 2 & assignment:
Create an image in prezi using only frame and line.
Take a screenshot of the image
name the screenshot "prezi image_yourname"
drop the image in my drop box (be sure to put it in the correct block!).

Cool Down:
Respond to the following questions on your blog. Title it: "prezi day 1"
  1. How was your overall experience with prezi? Were you able to create the image/shape you wanted to?
  2. What was easy? What was hard?
  3. What are the benefits of this software? What are the drawbacks?

Wednesdat is ___ - e day

can you smell that?

Here is your Wednesday agenda:

Warm Up (10 min)

Post title: “hobbies and passion”
- What do you do in your spare / leisure time?
What would you do if you didn’t need to make or worry about money?
+photo (save to server)

TED video/questions (20 min)
Video - 20 min -

Cool down (10 min)
post title: “creativity vs. academics”
Do you agree that creativity (having original ideas that have value) is as important as literacy (reading)? Why? Why not?