Monday, June 7, 2010

6.6 - Finals

Three Parts:
1. Multiple Choice Vocabulary Test
Enter your user name
Your password will be provided after the rules are given.

2. Joey's Survey (please!)

3. Final Project

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6.3 - Open Sources

In your last week of school reflect on what do are you proud this year? What was an academic goal that you accomplished? Was there something that you did not accomplish that you hoped or planned to? What got in the way? What is a goal that you have for your finals or next year?

Open-source software (OSS) is computer software that is available in source code form that permits users to study, change, and improve the software. Some open source software is available within the public domain. Open source software is very often developed in a public, collaborative manner. The term open-source software originated as part of a marketing campaign for free software.

Open Source (research)
Intro: We don’t need to spend a whole bunch of C.R.EA.M. to have access to software. Instead, open source software can make your home computer into a powerful production studio! This summer can be very productive! Make your own movie on your camera phone. Record your own album with a $2 microphone! GetRDun.

Instructions: There are a number of open source applications that are free and effective. For each item on the following list, find at least one open source program that allow you to work on that task. Provide a link to the developers’ website. Post to your blog when finished.

  1. Word Processing (like Word)
  2. Vector Drawing (like illustrator)
  3. Photo Editing (like Photo Shop)
  4. Music recording (like garageband)
  5. Presentation (like Keynote)
  6. Video Editing (like iMovie)
  7. Web browsers (Like Safari)
  8. Animation (like flash)
  9. gaming (like psx)

Here is an example table:

Type of Software

Name of Open Source Software


Word Processing (like Word)

Open Office

Vector Drawing (like illustrator)

Photo Editing (like Photo Shop)

Music recording (like garageband)

Presentation (like Keynote)

Video Editing (like iMovie)

Web browsers (Like Safari)

Animation (like flash)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Please reflect on the following questions (full sentences would be amazing!):
1. What is your relationship with technology?
2. Has that relationship changed over the year? If so how?
3. Do you think computers will be a tool in your life after high-school? Why or why not?
4. What did you enjoy doing/leraning about this year in DMA? Why?
5. What do you think should be left out of DMA? Why?

The Final
Multiple Choice + Mini-Project
1. Multiple Choice (see ADMA S2 Vocabulary list to study)
2. Mini-Montage Project (to be done as part of the final)

This Week = Dead Week
The week before finals is spent reviewing and studying
We will be cleaning up after ourselves

1. Google Site
Delete any inactive pages and links
Take a screenshot of your navigation bar when you have finished. Drop this screenshot in my drop-box (name it YOURNAME_CLEAN).

2. Student Server
delete any video clips (unedited, raw, BIG, files)
arrange files in hierarchy (year, class, project, etc.)
UD, if you want to save your work, be sure you bring a flash drive or similar storage medium.

What’s Up Tiger Lily?
An example of re-appropriation in film. 1960s Japanese spy film is re-dubbed and edited to become a comedy.
Critical thinking questions:
1. How is this movie similar to hip-hop or other sample based music texts?
2. How does the writer deal with stereotypes already existing in the film?
3. What role do the musical breaks have in the film? In other words, why are they there?