Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2

What is this?

Away we go, onto a new week with new possibilities.

Here is the agenda for the day:
  1. What is your definition of technology? Be as specific as possible. Provide at least one example to support your definition. If you use the Inernet to search for a definition, please SITE your source (MLA).
  2. Discussion
  3. We should probably talk about the syllabus since we haven't yet so here that is.
  4. Transition
  5. Keynote vs. Powerpoint vs. Prezi: What are they? What do they do? What are the differences?
  6. Watch 1 Prezi Tutorial (basics)
  7. Signing up for Prezi (email verification)
  8. Drop screenshot of the verification email in my dropbox for credit. Rename the screenshot, "Prezi + your name"
And finally, here is your vocabulary list for this week:
  1. digital
  2. media
  3. multimedia
  4. technology
  5. font
  6. bold
  7. italic
  8. justification (alignment)
  9. bullet list
  10. number list
  11. html
  12. layout
  13. template
  14. code

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The (first) 100

This is OAK-LAAAAAND (the 100)

Wake up, get up, it's the last (day) of the week. We have a ton to get through today so let's do our best to stay on track and not go over our time. Here's our agenda:
  1. Warm-up - 20 min - complete sentences
  2. Go to, and take the vocabulary test - 20 min (quiet while testing please!)
  3. Transition activity - 5 min
  4. Read the following articles and consider the questions below - 40 min- participate in discussion on reading a text and censorship
Text 1 & 2 & 3 - news clips (shown in class)
Consider these questions:

- What is your interpretation (or reading of this text)? Why? Be very specific? Use examples to back up your reasoning.

- Is this image racist? Why? Why not?

- What is socialism? Why is it placed here? What is this image implying about socialism?

- If you were to find out the artist was black - or mixed race - would it still be racist?

- What if he was Latino? Asian? White? Arab?

Article - LA Times Flickr Censorship

- Why did Flickr take down the "Obama Joker" image? Do you agree with their reasoning? Why? Why not?

- What is copyright? How does it apply to this case?

5. Cool Down with reflective blog post - 10 min - discussion, test, your opinion of the class so far.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Setting Up for Success (blogging)

Hey, it's Wednesday!

Here's our agenda:
  1. Review norms & agenda
  2. Set up blogs (send me your URL in an e-mail*! (to receive credit)), to do that you may need to,
  3. set up an email account (if you don't already have one)
  4. Write vocabulary sentences as your first blog post (define and use in a sentence (please) (for credit)) - remember, you have a test tomorrow!

Today we are going to get busy on our blogging. What's that, you don't have a blog? Well, no problemo, we can take a hop into the way back machine by clicking on this link (that's right I just linked to my own page!).

OK i gotta run. Get your objectives completed and if you don't have time to finish your vocabulary sentences today. They are due by the end of the week. Here is an example of one of the first vocabulary sentence, that includes all 3 of the elements needed to get credit for the assignment:

1. "log-in"
definition: The log-in screen is where I must enter the user name and password to get access to the computer.
example: I was stuck at the log-in screen when I couldn't remember my password.

2. "desktop"

Get 'er done!

Link of the day:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Post!

I'm so excited.

This is the first blog post for the first day of school and class for the 009-010 school year at Envision Academy of Arts and Technology's Advanced Digital Media Arts class!

Today we will go over some generalities that will effect us throughout the year. Here is a brief outline of the events:
  1. Introductions
  2. Class Norms
  3. Class Roles
  4. Systems (white board, computer, DMA blog)
  5. The Server (your best friend)
  6. Organization (create a folder for each class, place each existing file in the appropriate folder, take a screenshot (command + shift + 4) of the folders, rename the photo (on your desktop) "you name", drop in my drop box. (See image to the right).
  7. Photo Booth (take a photo of yourself - just your face - without effects, rename it "your name", and save it to your server and drop it in my drop box.)
  8. Blogging (we do it twice a day!)
  9. Big Brother (me!)
Here is your vocabulary for the week (get ready for a test ;):
  1. log-in
  2. desktop
  3. dock
  4. spotlight
  5. folder
  6. file
  7. screen shot
  8. drop box
  9. url
  10. tab (in a web browser, not the beverage)
  11. blog
  12. hierarchy
  13. server
Have fun and stay in school!